

"Nemo me
impune lacessit"

("No one provokes me
with impunity")

Welcome to this memorial site in the memory of

Private George Hildred

A British soldier with the 5th Battalion, The Black Watch, 51st Highland Division
who was killed at Mauny in France on 28th August 1944 aged just 18.



"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them"

Laurence Binyon


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Please feel free to browse the site, you are welcome to send an entry for the guest book, and we would welcome any feedback by email.

The initial material for this site was collated during 2007 and published in October 2007. We are continually finding new information and updating the website. If you have any additional relevant information we would appreciate you contacting us.




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